Lindi Dedek

(they/ no pronouns)

Hi there! I’m a writer, documentary/experimental film­mak­er, per­former and cre­ative pro­duc­er from Czech Repub­lic, liv­ing most­ly in Berlin. I stud­ied film pro­duc­tion at FAMU in Prague and Fil­makademie Baden-Würt­tem­berg and Gen­der stud­ies in Prague and Berlin. Between 2018 — 2022, I run and a co-found­ed the fem­i­nist film col­lec­tive zla films.

I’m into books, black tea, butoh, com­e­dy, clown­ing, queer the­o­ry and mak­ing art. I love to dance bal­let (bad­ly) and eat cake (well). A proud mem­ber of the the­atre col­lec­tive Sicai­da. 

You can get my full and more rep­re­sen­ta­tive CV here: 

Film Work


- An exper­i­men­tal short doc­u­men­tary, I pro­duced and co-direct­ed with Zoe Aiano and Anna Ben­ner

Tara and the Blue:
Vimeo Link

- I was a cre­ative and exec­u­tive pro­duc­er of this Cata­lan-Ger­man fic­tion short film, direct­ed by Pol Pon­sar­nau

Antons Fest

- An exper­i­men­tal fea­ture-length film shot in Uck­er­mark, direct­ed by Kolya Reichart, pro­duced by me, and made with pas­sion and sweat by a lot of love­ly peo­ple.

Performing Arts

Artist Statement

My artis­tic and writ­ing prac­tice is root­ed in clown­ing, poet­ry and fem­i­nist the­o­ry. Born just before the fall of sovi­et-times, it deals with the sub­tle ways in how bod­ies are cre­at­ed in wild cap­i­tal­ism, on the East-West­ern axis. I like to explore the cat­e­gories between inti­mate, mun­dane, weird, affec­tive, absurd,nature and cul­ture, human and non-human. mul­ti-genre, per­for­mance, clown, the­atre, exper­i­men­tal film, whim­si­cal his­tor­i­cal ref­er­ences, nerdy. I have a pen­chant for the exper­i­men­tal, com­e­dy, folk­tales and 70s fairy tales. I use poet­ry, ethno­graph­ic data, site-spe­cif­ic strate­gies and com­e­dy the­atre to cre­ate. I am inter­est­ed in col­lec­tive cre­ation, queer­ness and post­colo­nial and urban top­ics. I am inter­est­ed to use my art as a means for artis­tic research.


In my pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al life, I’m deeply pas­sion­ate about gen­der equal­i­ty and fight­ing inter­sec­tion­al oppres­sion. I believe that sto­ry­telling plays a cru­cial role in these process­es. I con­sid­er the posi­tion of being able to tell sto­ries a priv­i­lege that I don’t take light­ly, yet as a process that requires a con­stant reflec­tion and (un)learning. I apply this lens to my cura­to­r­i­al work as well as can offer work­shops as a train­er and script sen­si­tiv­i­ty read­ing. I have tak­en part in inter­na­tion­al edu­ca­tion pro­gram GLEN that has tacked the issues of the coop­er­a­tions between the Glob­al South and glob­al north. Besides, I have par­tic­i­pat­ed in two exchange pro­gramms by Robert Bosch Stiftung. I have co-devel­opped strate­gies for cre­ative indus­tries, how to make their process­es more inclu­sive.